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Top 3 Guidelines

Be a Team

Your dog is your companion, not a robot. That’s what makes them great…and sometimes a challenge. They’re not trying to be stubborn or rebelling, they’re trying to communicate. Learning how to speak dog will make you a team. And, as the saying goes, teamwork makes the dream work.

Be Consistent

Let’s face it, we as humans can be pretty inconsistent. We have jobs, come home tired, are in a hurry, or we think Fido’s puppy eyes are too adorbs – so we take shortcuts or give in. And that’s what they’ll remember. So stay as consistent as possible with your training.

Be Positive

Some days your pup will be on their best behavior. Other days, they’ll be like gremlins fed after midnight. That’s okay. You and your pup are growing and learning – and growing pains are totally normal. Your job is to be their role model by staying calm and positive. We’re all in this together.

Our Top 3 Goals


We want you and your pup to feel safe. We have over a decade of experience training dogs and creating the right learning environment. We’ll help you learn any warning signs too.


Training is as much of a learning exercise for your pup as it is for you. We teach you in the “classroom” so you can practice and challenge you and your pup’s skills at home and on outings.


You are not alone. We’re here to help online and offline. When you sign up, you join a community that’s learning and growing with you. We have a members-only Facebook group too!

So what are you waiting for? If you’re in the Rockdale County, Newton County, or surrounding Atlanta area then come meet us, see us in action, and join our community. We can’t wait to meet you and your pup.